PBL Berorientasi Literasi Sains dan Wawasan Penelitian Terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Rasional Siswa
Kemampuan berpikir rasional erat kaitannya dengan penyelesaian masalah dalam pembelajaran IPA. Hal tersebut selaras dengan tujuan pembelajaran IPA yaitu mampu menumbuhkan diri siswa lebih berperan aktif dalam pemahaman konsep sains dan penyelesaian permasalahan pada pembelajaran yang bermakna. Kemampuan berpikir rasional siswa masih dalam kategori rendah karena pembelajaran kurang interaktif. Maka dari itu dipilih PBL berorientasi literasi sains dan wawasan penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas model PBL berorientasi sains dan wawasan penelitian terhadap kemampuan berpikir rasional siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui lembar observasi, angket respon siswa dan soal tes. Analisis data yang dilakukan yaitu uji t serta ji cohen effect size. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keterlaksanaan model PBL berorientasi literasi sains dan wawasan penelitian memperoleh nilai rata-rata 84,66%. Hasil dari angket respon siswa memperoleh respon baik dari siswa. Hasil dari uji-t two-tailed dengan nilai sig yakni 0,039 < 0,05 dan yakni 2,113 > 1,671 diketahui terdapat perbedaan kelas eksperimen dengan kelas kontrol. Hasil dari uji-t one-tailed yaitu P-Value sebesar 0,000 maka model PBL berorientasi literasi sains dan wawasan penelitian lebih efektif terhadap kemampuan berpikir rasional siswa dibanding dengan model pembelajaran konvensional. Hasil Uji cohen effect size diketahui bahwa efektivitas penerapan model PBL berorientasi literasi sains dan wawasan penelitian dalam pengaruh yang besar terhadap kemampuan berpikir rasional siswa.
Rational thinking ability is closely related to problem-solving in science education. This is aligned with the goal of science education, which aims to foster students to be more actively engaged in understanding scientific concepts and solving problems in meaningful learning. However, students' rational thinking abilities are still categorized as low due to the lack of interactive learning. Therefore, PBL oriented towards science literacy and research insight was chosen. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of the PBL model oriented towards science literacy and research insight on students' rational thinking abilities. The research adopts a quantitative approach. Data collection was conducted through observation sheets, student response questionnaires, and test items. Data analysis included t-tests and Cohen's d effect size. The research results indicate that the implementation of the PBL model oriented towards science literacy and research insight achieved an average score of 84.66%. The student response questionnaire yielded positive feedback from the students. The two-tailed t-test with a significance value <α of 0.039 < 0.05 and t-valu > t-value of 2.113 > 1.671 showed a difference between the experimental and control groups. The one-tailed t-test resulted in a p-value of 0.000, indicating that the PBL model oriented towards science literacy and research insight is more effective in enhancing students' rational thinking abilities compared to conventional learning models. The Cohen's d effect size test revealed that the effectiveness of implementing the PBL model oriented towards science literacy and research insight has a significant impact on students' rational thinking abilities.
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