Praktik Perdagangan di Balik Futures Saham Crypto pada Platform Trading Binance Perspektif Hukum Islam
Binance Futures trading contains several irregularities regarding its performance system, it is clear that there is no standard contract in it, so that users cannot accumulate real and clear profits or losses. In addition, trading on Binance uses a currency (Bitcoin) for payment that is not included in the list of legal currencies in the world. The aim of this research is to determine the practice of trading Crypto Stock Futures on the Binance Platform from the perspective of Islamic Law and the validity of Bitcoin which is used as currency in the practice of trading Crypto Stock Futures on the Binance Platform in Madiun City from the perspective of Islamic Law. The type of research used by the author is field research using qualitative methods that describe the theory of buying and selling and Ba'i Al-Sharf. From this research it can be concluded that Futures trading practices on the Binance Platform contain elements of usury, gharar and maysir which have been determined by the MUI Fatwa Council and other ulama because their work practices do not meet the requirements for legal buying and selling. The use of Bitcoin currency as a transaction medium in Futures trading on the Binance Platform is declared not to qualify as a valid currency because it does not meet several conditions and criteria. In the DSN MUI Fatwa Number 28/DSN-MUI/III/2002 Regarding the Sale and Purchase of Foreign Currency in Bank Indonesia Regulations, and Law Number 7 of 2011 concerning Currency, it strictly prohibits the use of Bitcoin as a legal means of payment in Indonesia because it does not comply with conditions as currency.
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