محاولات المعلم لتحسين مهارات الكلام العربي عند طلاب الصف الأول بالمدرسة الثانوية ولي صاغا عابر فونوروغو

  • Gavin Garviano IAIN Ponorogo
Keywords: Teacher Effort, Speaking Arabic Skills


Many obstacles were found in speaking Arabic skills, especially in teaching Arabic skills to first graders at the Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School Ngabar Ponorogo. Some students feel unfamiliar with the use of Arabic in their daily life. life. Because these students have moved from the elementary level to the new level or our junior high school. Arabic for first graders is mainly taught, where writing skills, reading, listening and then speaking skills. The aims of this research are as follows: 1) to find out the difficulties faced by students in speaking Arabic or practicing their skills in Arabic, 2) to find out the extent of the teacher's efforts in improving students' speaking skills, 3) to find out the supporting and inhibiting factors faced by teachers in improving students' speaking skills speaking to students. In this study, researchers used qualitative methods, and the type of research used was field research. Data collection methods used in this study were observation, interviews and documentation. In data analysis, the user is data collection, data presentation, investigation or drawing conclusions from data and data reduction. The results of the study found that the educational difficulties of first year students at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Institut Wali Sagha Abar Ponorogo consisted of two factors, namely internal factors and external factors. External factors in this study were the difficulty of teaching from outside students, for example: little study time, most of the students graduated from state elementary schools who did not have the materials to understand Arabic teaching a little, students did not bring books because the books were left behind at the institute. The internal factors are factors from within students, for example: lack of interest in learning Arabic, lack of motivation and support from families that make students not enthusiastic in education. In this case, what is emphasized to be able to speak Arabic first is the pronunciation. Articulation is an exercise in how to pronounce a sentence or word in Arabic, for example giving vocabulary to first graders, the first must be articulation, asking students to imitate the vocabulary. Then, to write vocabulary. The supporting factors faced by teachers in improving the speaking skills of class I students at the Wali Songo Ngabar Ponorogo Islamic Boarding School are as follows: 1) Availability of learning resources and their use for teaching. Learning resources that make learning easy. 2) Facilities. It is a machine used in the educational process, especially the learning and teaching process in the classroom. The obstacle factors faced by teachers in improving speaking skills are: 1) lack of support from children, 2) lack of student attention, and so on.


كياهي الحاج إمام زركشي, التربية العملية للصف السادس,فونوروغو : Darussalam ,Press,دون سنة

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