Students’ Burnout in English Class Among The Eighth Grade Students at SMPN 4 Ponorogo

  • Selvi Ayu Anggraini State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo
  • Dedi Hasnawan State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo
Keywords: students’ burnout, junior high school, English class


This research aims to (1) analyze the burnout types that the students of the eighth-grade face in the language classes of the SMP N 4 Ponorogo; (2) describe how teacher overcome the problem of students’ burnout in English classes at SMP N 4 Ponorogo. This research was designed using a descriptive qualitative method. The Data were collected through closed questionnaires, in-depth interviews, observation and documentations. The Participants were students and English teachers of class 8B at SMP N 4 Ponorogo who were selected by using purposive sampling. Based on the result of data analysis found that (1) the students’ burnout types, which consists of emotional exhaustion include students being lethargic, lacklustre, and not responding actively during lessons. Depersonalization shown by a cold or cynical attitude towards activities in the English class and a tendency to withdraw from interactions. Lack of achievement, struggle to maintain motivation to learn English and feel underappreciated for their efforts. (2) English teachers cope with burnout by applying relaxation techniques, implementing effective time management strategies, using varied methods, teaching with humour and seeking support from colleagues and family. Teachers do not invite students to the library, or study outside to overcome burnout.
