The Effectiveness of Crossword Puzzle and Word Chain Game in Teaching Vocabulary at MTs Al-Islam Joresan, Ponorogo

  • Anis Setyawati State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo
  • Ahmadi State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo
Keywords: crossword puzzle, word chain game, teaching vocabulary


This study examines the effectiveness of crossword puzzles and word chain games in teaching vocabulary at MTs Al-Islam Joresan, Ponorogo, highlighting the importance of vocabulary in learning English as a foreign language (EFL). The primary research question is whether students taught using crossword puzzles and word chain games have better vocabulary mastery than those not taught using these games. A quasi-experimental design with pre-tests and post-tests was used, involving an experimental group (taught with crossword puzzles and word chain games) and a control group (not taught with crossword puzzles and word chain games). The results showed that students taught with crossword puzzles and word chain games had better vocabulary mastery. The interactive nature of these tools helped students learn and retain new vocabulary more effectively. Analysis of test scores and student feedback confirmed the effectiveness of these media, highlighting the importance of interactive activities in language instruction to enhance learning and academic success.
