The Effectiveness of 'Listen and Draw' Technique to Improve Students' Listening Skill at MTsN 3 Madiun

  • Winda Titin Choirun Nisa State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo
  • Fenty Andriani State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo
Keywords: listen and draw; technique; listening skill


Developing learning techniques that can improve students' listening skill is crucial in English educational context. One of the interesting techniques is the 'Listen and Draw' technique which combines auditory and visual elements by inviting students to listen to audio description while drawing a visual representation of what they hear. This research aims to find out whether students who were taught using ‘Listen and Draw’ technique got better listening achievement than those who were not. It applied a quantitative approach with quasi-experimental design. The result showed that the mean score of the experimental class post-test was 87.14, and the mean post-test in the control class was 72.86. The value Sig (2-tailed) of the equal variant was 0.000. Therefore, it can be concluded that students who were taught by using ‘Listen and Draw’ technique get better listening achievement than those who were not.
