Perilaku Konsumen dalam Berinvestasi Emas Digital Melalui Platform Tokopedia

  • Titis Indrawati Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo, Indonesia
  • Aji Damanuri Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo, Indonesia
  • Shinta Maharani Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo, Indonesia
Keywords: Digital Gold, Investment, Consumer Behaviour


Tokopedia is an e-commerce that has a gold investment feature, namely Tokopedia Gold,
which collaborates with Pegadaian. Tokopedia is the most popular e-commerce in Indonesia
with the number of monthly web visitors reaching 147.8 million in the second quarter of 2021
beating other e-commerce. Tokopedia Gold Pegadaian uses a cash & wadi'ah sale and
purchase contract. Since the Tokopedia Emas feature was launched in 2018, the trend of
buying gold transactions at Tokopedia has increased by almost 30 times, even though the
spread of Tokopedia Gold, which works with Pegadaian, is 4.5% higher than direct gold
investment at Pegadaian Digital, which is around 3%. It is necessary to know what are the
factors that influence consumer behavior in deciding to choose digital gold at Tokopedia. This
research is a qualitativeresearch. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation,
and documentation. Analysis with the theory of consumer behavior. The purpose of this study
is to analyze the mechanism of digital gold investment, to analyze the factors that influence
consumer behavior in investing in digital gold, and to analyze the impact of digital gold
investment in Tokopedia on consumer behavior. The results of the study show that the digital
gold investment mechanism influences consumer behavior because it is quite easy and
practical from the choice of product, brand, dealer, time of purchase, purchase amount, and
payment method. Factors that influence consumer behavior, namely consumer psychological
factors, are the most influential in investing in digital gold at Tokopedia. Then cultural
factors have a fairly good influence, but social and personal factors have little influence. As
well as investing in gold has both positive and negative impacts, the many conveniences
offered, especially attractive promos, make consumers satisfied making purchases, thereby
influencing consumer behavior to invest in digital gold on Tokopedia continuously.


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How to Cite
Indrawati, T., Damanuri, A., & Maharani, S. (2023). Perilaku Konsumen dalam Berinvestasi Emas Digital Melalui Platform Tokopedia. Journal of Economics, Law, and Humanities, 2(2), 39-52.