Guidelines & Template

An article's peer-reviewed publication in JOURNAL COMMUNITY SERVICE is a crucial component in the formation of a credible and cohesive knowledge network. It is an accurate representation of the caliber of the writers' and the organizations' supporting efforts. The scientific method is supported and embodied in peer-reviewed literature. Therefore, it is imperative that all parties engaged in the publication process the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer, the publisher, and society at large agree on standards of anticipated ethical behavior.

The Ponorogo State Islamic Institute JOURNAL COMMUNITY SERVICE is conscious of its ethical and other obligations, and we take our guardianship duties over all publication phases very seriously. Our commitment is to prevent editorial decisions from being influenced or affected by advertising, reprints, or additional commercial money. If helpful and required, the Editorial Board and the Ponorogo State Islamic Institute will also help with correspondence with other publications and publishers.

Nonetheless, authors who have already submitted their manuscripts must still complete the data required for journal submission, which is available for download on the journal page. Furthermore, withdrawing a manuscript for an article that has been handled by the journal staff (Editors and Reviewers) is absolutely prohibited. The author will be required to pay a penalty of IDR 250,000 to the journal if they keep withdrawing. Additionally, the author must pay a penalty of IDR 500,000 if they wish to retract their work after it has been published. If they fail to do so, their name from the draft article will be added to the journal's blacklist and made public online.

How to write an article

  1. Source citations and the bibliography in articles must be done using Zotero or Mandeley.
  2. Submitting Turnitin findings for plagiarism of the submitted article can result in a maximum of 25% of results.
  3. Articles have to follow the journal format, specifically. Articles have to follow the journal template, which is
  4. The title, which can contain up to 14 words and is written entirely in capital letters, sums up the information in the article under discussion. There cannot be any acronyms in the title.
  5. Completely type the author's name and email address in Times New Roman 12 font, centering the left and right alignment. The font size is 11.
  6. The abstract is limited to 250 words and uses Times New Roman 12 font in size 11 in both English and Indonesian.
  7. Keywords / keywords with a minimum of three words and a maximum of five words in both English and Indonesian.
  8. The article's goal, scope, and gap research must all be stated in the introduction. The document is typeset in Times New Roman 12 point font with 1.15 spacing between paragraphs and left-to-right alignment. The first line is indented by 0 centimeters. Microsoft Word was utilized to make the file (file). Additionally, the piece is at least 15 pages long and was written in English.
  9. Writings and articles pertinent to the topic are included in the literature review. At least three recent literature reviews that highlight the variations and convergences of the studies the author discusses are available.
  10. Research methods provide a brief explanation of the data and its sources, as well as the definitions of the variables and analysis techniques employed. If the submethod calls for a table, it should be positioned in a flat center, with the source located beneath the table and the title above the head of the table using Arial Unicode Ms size 12pt. The article manuscript has to make reference to each table.
  11. The goals and hypotheses of the research must be cited in the methodical writing of the findings and discussion. Sub-chapters (if any) should be written in Times New Roman font at a size of 12 points without numbers. The commentary must explain the consequences of the research findings and must cite scientific references (theory, prior research, or other scientific sources). Indentation 2 indicates that the script extends to the right by 2 cm if there are sub-chapters. The title appears above the head of the table and the source appears below it when the table is arranged in a flat center. Times New Roman Bold 10 point typeface is used for title writing. The table's contents are printed single-spaced in Arial Unicode Ms 10 point font. Vertical lines are not used in table lines; only horizontal lines are (Antonio, 2013). The document has to provide references for each table.
  12. Conclusion: The conclusion should address the study's goals. In one paragraph, conclusions are expressed succinctly and clearly (without numbering). Writing recommendations is still permitted in a separate paragraph in the chapter's conclusion, if needed.
  13. Must include quotes from academic publications, research theses, dissertations, theses, and novels, as well as the outcomes of interviews


Iskandar, A., Possumah, B. T., & Aqbar, K. (2020). Peran Ekonomi dan Keuangan Sosial Islam saat Pandemi      Covid-19. SALAM: Jurnal Sosial Dan Budaya Syar-I7(7).

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