JIIPSI: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Indonesia
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Indonesia (JIIPSI) is a peer-reviewed journal by Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo. This journal will be published for the first time in 2021 to promote the publication of research by Social Science Education students. The journal accepts original scientific works on social science education that have never been published before. It is published twice a year, in January and June.
Niqosiya: Journal of Economics and Business Research
Niqosiya: Journal of Economics and Business Research is published by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, IAIN Ponorogo. Contains studies on the results of scientific writing by students, lecturers, or collaborations between students and lecturers in the form of research on analysis study of Islamic Economics and Islamic Economics as well as other studies in the realm of Islamic economics and business studI am following owing the writing regulations published twice a year in June and December.
p-ISSN 2798-6373
e-ISSN 2807-7660
An-Nataij: Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa Arab
Focus and Scope
An-Nataij: Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa Arab is a Journal that is published biannually or twice a year, that is in May and October. It is published by Arabic of Education Department, The State Institute of Islamic Studies Ponorogo. An-Nataij Journal aims to share the scientific studies that are conducted by scientists and academics from The State Institute of Islamic Studies Ponorogo and other institutions. This journal focuses on Arabic learning issues at schools, madrasah, and/or Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) in Southeast Asia and Literature. We invite scholars, researchers, and professionals in the field of Arabic Education to invest your knowledge in the forms of researches or in-depth studies.
J-MAIL Journal of English as A Modern and International Language is a peer-reviewed professional journal with the editorial board of scholars mainly in linguistics, literature, and English language teaching (ELT). It is published by the English Department of Education and Teachers Training Faculty, IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia.
The journal seeks to disseminate research to educators around the world and is published three times a year in the months of April, July and November.
Jurnal Tadris IPA Indonesia
Jurnal Tadris IPA Indonesia is published by Jurusan Tadris IPA, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Ponorogo regarding the latest issues and trends in research and community service in the field of Natural Sciences. This journal is a peer-reviewed journal which is published three times a year, in March, July and November.
ISSN (Print): 2776-3625 ISSN (Online): 2776-3617
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam diterbitkan oleh jurusan MPI, Fakultas Pendidikan dan Keguruan, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Ponorogo sebagai media untuk meningkatkan kreativitas mahasiswa (khususnya mahasiswa jurusan MPI), dosen, akademisi, praktisi, peneliti, yang berkaitan dengan manajemen pendidikan. Jurnal ini menyediakan tempat publikasi yang ditinjau oleh rekan sejawat, ketat secara akademis dan diakui secara profesional.
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam ini menerbitkan artikel asli tentang studi manajemen pendidikan Islam, yang memuat kajian-kajian tentang studi manajemen pendidikan Islam, inovasi manajemen pendidikan Islam dan pemikiran dalam manajemen pendidikan Islam.
AL-THIFL : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
AL-THIFL : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah is a Scientific Journal published by Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo Half-Yearly (Februari and September). This Scientific Journal contains studies or research by students or collaboration between students and lecturers. The field highlighted in this study is Islamic Basic Education, especially in the realm of Elementary Schools or Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. (ONLINE ISSN: 2775-5711 PRINT ISSN: 2775-5436)
The scope of this journal includes:
- Research Results Based on MI or Elementary School Learning;
- Research Results on MI or Elementary School Student Development;
- Theoretical Study of Basic Education.
Excelencia: Journal of Islamic Education & Management
Excelencia : Journal Of Islamic Education & Manajemen adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo. Jurnal ini berisi artikel hasil penelitian mahasiswa atau kolaborasi mahasiswa dan dosen Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo. Lingkup kajian jurnal ini adalah pendidikan Islam dan manajemen. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu pada bulan April dan Nopember.
Jurnal Antologi Hukum
JURNAL ANTOLOGI HUKUM adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Syariah, IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia. Jurnal ini diterbitkan setahun dua kali. JURNAL ANTOLOGI HUKUM berfokus pada hasil penelitian dalam bidang hukum dan pranata sosial. JURNAL ANTOLOGI HUKUM memiliki spesialisasi hasil penelitian baik secara teoritis, pendekatan tertentu, atau secara geografis di bidang:
Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, Hukum Bisnis Syariah, Hukum Perbankan Syariah, Hukum Lembaga Keuangan Syariah, Industri Keuangan Non Bank, Fatwa, Ekonomi Syariah, Hukum Islam, Hukum Ekonomi, Hukum Bisnis, Hukum Keuangan, Fiqh, Usul Fiqh, Hukum Islam di Berbagai Negara, Hukum Keluarga Islam, Hukum Pidana Islam dan Hukum Tata Negara Islam. -
JUSMA: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Masyarakat
JUSMA : Jurnal Studi Islam dan Masyarakat is a journal that is published by Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab, and Dakwah, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia since 2022 that has ISSN 2829-3053 (online) and ISSN 2829-3487 (printed)
Journal Jusma focused on Islamic studies with the multidiscipline approach
Multidisciplined approach from Al Quran and Tafsir Studies, Islamic Communication and Broadcasting, Islamic counseling guidance, and history of islamic civilization.
This journal is published twice a year every February and Auguts.
Journal of Economics, Law, and Humanities
Journal of Economics, Law, and Humanities, published by Islamic Economics and Islamic Family Law Departments, Postgraduate of State Islamic Departments Institute (IAIN) Ponorogo since 2022. The subject covers various perspectives of Islamic economics, legal drafting and Islamic family law, Islam and humanitarian discourse, including conceptual thoughts, research reports, case reports, application of theory, critical studies, and literature reviews. Authors who want to submit their manuscript to the editorial office of the Journal of Economics, Law, and Humanities should obey the writing guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not appropriate with the guidelines or written in a different format, the editors will reject it before further review. The editors will only accept the manuscripts that meet the assigned form. The journal is published regularly twice a year in May and November.
Amaluna: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Amaluna: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat is multidisciplinary scientific journal published by the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business IAIN Ponorogo. This journal covers many problems or general problems related to community services. This journal publication aims to disseminate conceptual ideas and research results that have been achieved in the field of community service. This journal contains various community service activities with the theme in the area of supervision of various potentials, complexities, challenges, and problems in society. Implementation of service activities as well as community participation and work partners. Activities are organized into activities that aim to improve community welfare.
Falahiya: Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance
Falahiya: Research Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance merupakan Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Perbankan Syariah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Ponorogo. Ruang lingkup kajian karya ilmiah mahasiswa atau kolaborasi mahasiswa dan dosen dalam bidang keuangan dan perbankan syariah. Terbit dua kali setahun di bulan Juni dan Desember.
Proses publikasi dilakukan melalui Peer-review Process sesuai standar publikasi ilmiah. Naskah yang masuk diseleksi oleh dewan redaksi dan dievaluasi mitra bestari.
P-ISSN 2964-9811
E-ISSN 2964-8424
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Ponorogo
Kampus II Jenangan Ponorogo Jawa Timur Indonesia 63492
Telp. (0352) 3576565 Fax. (0352) 3591451 E-mail: [email protected]
Nidhomiya: Research Journal of Islamic Philanthropy and Disaster
NIDHOMIYA is a journal published by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business IAIN Ponorogo. NIDHOMIYA accepts original scientific writings that have never been published in the field of development of zakat, waqf, and infaq management in Indonesia and the world as well as problems related to philanthropy and non-profit institutions, including conceptual thoughts, research reports, case reports, application of theory, critical studies and literature reviews.
It is located at: IAIN Ponorogo Kampus II Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Jalan Puspita Jaya, Krajan, Pintu, Kec. Jenangan, Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur (63492)
Phone: (0352) 3576565 Fax. (0352) 3591451