Niqosiya: Journal of Economics and Business Research 2024-06-28T08:57:05+00:00 Maulida Nurhidayati [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" style="text-align: justify;" data-placeholder="Terjemahan"><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en"><strong>Niqosiya: Journal of Economics and Business Research</strong> is published by the <strong>Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business</strong>, <strong>IAIN Ponorogo</strong>. Contains studies on the results of scientific writing by students, lecturers, or collaborations between students and lecturers in the form of research on analysis study of Islamic Economics and Islamic Economics as well as other studies in the realm of Islamic economics and business studI am following owing the writing regulations published twice a year in <strong>June and December</strong>.</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>p-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2798-6373</a></strong><br><strong>e-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2807-7660</a></strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan, Kualitas SDM, dan Kemudahan Akses Pembiayaan Mikro Syariah Terhadap Perkembangan UMKM di BMT Beringharjo KCP Dolopo 2024-06-25T08:50:39+00:00 Syahru Rofah Febrianti [email protected] Ajeng Pipit Fitriani [email protected] <p>Low levels of financial literacy can be an obstacle to business development. Human resource quality problems such as lack of skills, low productivity, or inability to adapt to market changes. Lack of access to microfinance can hinder business expansion and business diversification. The aim of this research is to determine and test the influence of financial literacy, quality of human resources, and ease of access to sharia microfinance on the development of MSMEs. This research uses quantitative methods, data collection using a questionnaire of 100 respondents. The results show that financial literacy has a negative and significant effect on the development of MSMEs, the quality of human resources has a positive and significant effect on the development of MSMEs, and Ease of Access to Sharia Microfinance has a positive and significant effect on the development of MSMEs. The results of the F Test show that the three independent variables have a simultaneous influence on the development of MSMEs.</p> 2024-06-25T08:35:21+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syahru Rofah Febrianti, Ajeng Pipit Fitriani Sistem Pemberian Upah Untuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Anak Buah Kapal Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah 2024-06-25T08:59:07+00:00 Elma Suci Oktaviyani [email protected] Ratna Yunita [email protected] <p>Wages or ijarah are an important component in the world of work because wages are directly related to workers' welfare. According to Islamic economic theory, wages must contain the principle of justice in them. This research aims to determine and analyze the wage system to improve the welfare of Putra Samudra's crew members and to determine and analyze the implementation of the ship crew's wage system from a Sharia economic perspective. This research is field research using qualitative methods. The research results show that 1) The wage system implemented on the Putra Samudra Ship uses a time-term wage system consisting of daily wages and weekly wages. With these two systems in place, the amount of wages that must be paid by the Putra Samudra ship is not yet high when compared to the risks faced by the crew. However, to improve the welfare of fishermen, ship owners use a bonus wage system that can be used to meet the needs of fishermen and their families. 2) Based on the Sharia economic perspective regarding the implementation of the wage system on the Putra Samudra ship, in practice there is injustice in the giving of wages to the crew by the ship owner, namely the equality of nominal bonus wages between diligent fishermen and lazy fishermen.</p> 2024-06-25T08:54:52+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Elma Suci Oktaviyani, Ratna Yunita Dampak Usaha Peternakan Ayam Terhadap Kehidupan Masyarakat di Kelurahan Mlilir Perspektif Etika Bisnis Islam 2024-06-28T04:03:19+00:00 Nafia Kusumandari [email protected] Aji Damanuri [email protected] <p>Chicken farming plays a role in improving the welfare of local communities in rural areas. Through a local economic development approach, chicken farming can create jobs, increase income, and contribute to regional economic growth. Business ethics is also related to norms in business activities, including establishing livestock pens. The distance between the settlement and the pen must be considered because it is related to air pollution and other environmental problems that can arise from livestock activities. This research aims to analyze the economic, environmental, and sociological impacts of poultry farming from the perspective of Islamic business ethics. The type of research used is field research using a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used include observation, interviews, and documentation. The research results show that chicken farming has an economic impact by creating jobs and increasing people's income. However, there are negative impacts on the environment, such as air pollution, which shows an imbalance in applying business ethics principles. Apart from that, the low motivation of people to raise livestock shows a lack of social responsibility in ensuring social benefits for the surrounding community.</p> 2024-06-28T02:00:31+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nafia Kusumandari, Aji Damanuri Pengaruh Efikasi Diri, Motivasi Kerja, dan Pengalaman Magang Terhadap Kesiapan Kerja Mahasiswa FEBI IAIN Ponorogo 2024-06-28T02:43:18+00:00 Eka Nurwidi Astuti [email protected] Muhtadin Amri [email protected] <p>This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of self-efficacy, work motivation, and internship experience on the work readiness of FEBI IAIN Ponorogo students. This research used quantitative methods and data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires to 250 active FEBI IAIN Ponorogo class 2018-2020 students. Multiple linear regression was used in this research as a data analysis technique with stages of validity, reliability, descriptive analysis, classical assumption testing, and hypothesis testing. This research shows that self-efficacy positively and significantly affects work readiness. Work motivation has a positive and significant effect on work readiness. Internship experience has a positive and significant effect on work readiness. Self-efficacy, work motivation, and internship experience simultaneously influence the work readiness of FEBI IAIN Ponorogo students. The test results for the coefficient of determination value are shown by the R² value, namely 0.582 or 58.2%, which means that the contribution of all independent variables, namely self-efficacy, work motivation, and internship experience, can explain the dependent variable, namely work readiness, of 58.2%. In comparison, other factors influence the remaining 41.8%.</p> 2024-06-28T02:19:33+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Nurwidi Astuti, Muhtadin Amri Pengaruh ROA, ROE dan EPS Terhadap Return Saham Perusahaan Sido Muncul Tbk. Tahun 2015-2023 2024-06-28T03:45:48+00:00 Neila Musfiatul Li'ala [email protected] Tiara Widya Antikasari [email protected] <p>According to financial theory, ratios such as ROA, ROE, and EPS should reflect good financial performance if they are high. However, in practice, the high ratio value of Sido Muncul Tbk. does not always correlate with the return on shares produced. This discrepancy creates confusion among investors and analysts as to how accurately these ratios reflect the actual condition of the company. This study examines the effect of ROA, ROE, and EPS on stock returns in Sido Muncul Tbk., which is listed in JII. This study uses a quantitative research method using secondary data. Data were collected through documentation and literature studies using the quarterly reports of Sido Muncul Tbk. from 2015 to 2023. The independent variables are ROA, ROE, and EPS, while the dependent variables are stock returns. Samples were selected using the purposive sampling method. The data analysis was carried out with multiple regression analysis using SPSS version 25 software, with a significance level of 5% or 0.05. The results of this study show that ROA, ROE, and EPS individually have a significant effect on the return of Sido Muncul Tbk. shares in the 2015-2023 period. At the same time, these three variables also significantly affected the return of Sido Muncul Tbk. shares in the same period. The magnitude of the influence that can be explained by these three variables on stock returns is 23.1%.</p> 2024-06-28T03:43:48+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Neila Musfiatul Li'ala, Tiara Widya Antikasari Pengaruh Pelatihan dan Lingkungan Keluarga terhadap Minat Berwirausaha pada Lulusan Balai Latihan Kerja Subulul Huda 2024-06-28T07:53:54+00:00 Haya Nabila [email protected] Nurma Fitrianna [email protected] <p>Interest in entrepreneurship is a person's interest in doing independent business activities. When someone has done something graphic design skills training, his entrepreneurial interest should increase; BLK Subulul Huda aims to improve the quality of human resources and the competitiveness of Indonesian workers needed in the business and industrial world.&nbsp; The method used in this study is a quantitative method, using multiple linear regression analysis with data collection techniques in the form of distributing questionnaires to 60 Subulul Huda Job Training Center (BLK) graduates. The sampling technique applied in this study is <em>non-probability sampling. </em>The results of this study show that partial training has a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial interest. The family environment partially has a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial interest. Training and family environment simultaneously affect entrepreneurial interest in graduates of the Subulul Huda Job Training Center (BLK).</p> 2024-06-28T07:52:15+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Haya Nabila, Nurma Fitrianna Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Religi Dalam Peningkatan Perekonomian Masyarakat Sekitar Masjid Tegalsari Ponorogo 2024-06-28T08:06:11+00:00 Ulfihawin Mawadah [email protected] Maulida Nurhidayati [email protected] <p>This research is motivated by problems in development strategy. Several obstacles exist in Tegalsari religious tourism. The community's economic involvement is not only limited to consumers but also to business actors in the shophouses that have been provided. This research uses descriptive qualitative qualitative research methods to analyze religious tourism development strategies, the impact of development strategies, supporting factors, and inhibiting factors. Data collection techniques are carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation. In this research, we looked at the trustworthiness of triangulating sources. The development strategy carried out by the Tegalsari Ponorogo Jami Mosque religious tourism has implemented a SWOT analysis, although several weaknesses need to be corrected. The positive impact of religious tourism in Tegalsari Ponorogo is that income from business is helped employment, and utilization of tourism facilities by the local community. The negative impact is too much dependence on tourism and seasonal tourism activities. Supporting factors for Tegalsari religious tourism are related to visitor attraction because there is the tomb of Kyai Ageng Muhammad Besari, support from the government, good security, and a tourist attraction atmosphere that provides comfort. The inhibiting factors are limited parking space when there are many visitors, lack of awareness of environmental cleanliness, and lack of street lighting.</p> 2024-06-28T08:04:31+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ulfihawin Mawadah, Maulida Nurhidayati Employee Recruitment At Maesa Ponorogo Hotel Islamic Economic Perspective 2024-06-28T08:19:03+00:00 Ahmad Ismi Muhaimin [email protected] Fitra Rizal [email protected] <p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Recruitment is essential in human resource management because it is the first step in finding suitable employees to fill vacant positions. Managers are responsible for managing human resources, so a fair attitude is vital. Good recruitment can increase a positive image and profits for the company. This research aims to analyze the implementation and impact of employee recruitment at the Maesa Ponorogo Hotel from an Islamic economic perspective. <strong>Research Methods: </strong>The type of research used by researchers is field research, while the method used in this research is qualitative. <strong>Results: </strong>This research shows that Hotel Maesa Ponorogo places integrity and fairness as a top priority by Islamic recruitment principles so that every candidate has an equal opportunity to be assessed based on their qualifications and potential. This process affects the quality of service to customers and creates a productive and harmonious work environment for employees. Thus, Hotel Maesa Ponorogo's employee recruitment policy reflects their commitment to providing high-quality services, which strengthens the company's positive image and increases overall customer satisfaction, contributing to increased profits for Hotel Maesa.</p> 2024-06-28T08:15:59+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Ismi Muhaimin, Fitra Rizal Analisis Strategi Bersaing PT. Dewa Arystama Tour & Travel Dolopo Madiun di Tengah Persaingan Usaha Jasa Travel Online 2024-06-28T08:30:32+00:00 Anisa Maya Umri Hayati [email protected] Faruq Ahmad Futaqi [email protected] <p>The rapid development of technology has led to the emergence of online-based airplane ticket agents that hurt traditional ticket agents. Therefore, a competitive strategy is needed so that traditional ticket agents can compete with online ticket agents. This study aims to determine the competitive strategy of PT Dewa Arystama Tour &amp; Travel amid competition for online travel services. This type of research is field research using a qualitative research approach. The data used in this study are primary data obtained through interviews and observations at PT Dewa Arystama Tour &amp; Travel. Data collection techniques using interviews and observations. The analysis results in this study are the competitive strategies used by PT Dewa Arystama Tour &amp; travel in the midst of the threat of online travel services: low cost, differentiation, and focus strategies. Implementing these competitive strategies is by Islamic law, including providing honest, trustworthy services and maintaining friendships with consumers. These strategies are implemented with the primary objective of helping and providing comfort for consumers in traveling. The impact of implementing this strategy is to satisfy consumers so that many return to PT Dewa Arystama.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Anisa Maya Umri Hayati, Faruq Ahmad Futaqi The Effect of Inflation, Exchange Rate, and Unemployment on Financing of the Islamic Commercial Bank Sector in Indonesia 2024-06-28T08:47:58+00:00 Abdullah Abdullah [email protected] <p>MSMEs are one of the main factors in encouraging national economic development, but the MSME sector in Islamic banking has fluctuated from year to year in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the influence of the macro economy on financing the MSME sector in Islamic banking in Indonesia. This study uses time series data, namely monthly data on the financial statements of Islamic Commercial Banks and data on macroeconomic variables for 2018-2022 in Indonesia. The analysis method used in this research is Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL). The results of this study indicate that this affects the financing of the MSME sector of Islamic Commercial Banks in the short-term inflation. In the long term, inflation affects the financing of the MSME sector of Islamic Commercial Banks. Other variables, namely exchange rates and unemployment, cannot affect the financing of the MSME sector of Islamic Commercial Banks.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdullah Abdullah Penerapan Strategi Bertahan Hidup Terhadap Tekanan Ekonomi Pengrajin Gerabah Desa Purwoasri Pacitan 2024-06-28T08:51:52+00:00 Fina Nasikhatul Ula [email protected] Choirul Daroji [email protected] <p>The people of Purwoasri Pacitan Village use pottery as a livelihood to meet their daily needs. The pottery artisans continue to survive even though their income from selling pottery is insufficient to meet their living needs. This research analyzes pottery artisans' active, passive, and network strategies in Purwoasri Village, Kebonagung Pacitan District. This research uses qualitative research methods, and type research is field research, and data obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation; the analysis method in this research is phenomenology, namely by analyzing the survival strategies experienced by pottery artisans in Purwoasri Village, Kebonagung District, Pacitan. The results of this research are (1) Active strategies experienced by families of pottery craftsmen, namely looking for side jobs by becoming construction workers, agricultural laborers, farmers and casual workers. (2) The passive strategy experienced by pottery artisans is to adopt a culture of frugal living. If they make much profit or their economic conditions are good, they go to the health center with KIS or BPJS, and buy medicine at the pharmacy when they are sick. (3) The network strategy experienced by pottery artisans generally borrows money from relatives, neighbors, and cooperatives, and some also borrow money from banks.</p> 2024-06-28T08:49:51+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fina Nasikhatul Ula, Choirul Daroji Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Pelatihan Kerja, dan Kompensasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di PO Gunung Harta Ponorogo 2024-06-28T08:57:05+00:00 Ferawidianti Widianti [email protected] Kenlies Era Rosalina Marsudi [email protected] <p>Employee performance is the final result achieved by individuals in the form of goods or services, which must be by the agreed quality or standards in terms of cost, time, quality, and quantity. At the Gunung Harta Ponorogo Branch Office, various performance problems have emerged, such as bus delays, decreased ticket sales, customer complaints regarding unsatisfactory service, unfriendly attitudes, delays in departure, lack of coordination between teams, and lack of responsiveness. This study aims to analyze the effect of leadership style, job training, and compensation on employee performance partially and simultaneously. The method used is quantitative, with data collection through questionnaires to 50 Gunung Harta Ponorogo Branch Office employees using saturated samples. Instrument testing includes validity and reliability tests, while data analysis is carried out by descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, and multiple regression analysis. The findings show that leadership style positively and significantly influences employee performance. Then job training has a positive and significant influence on employee performance. And finally compensation also has a positive and significant influence on employee performance.</p> 2024-06-28T08:55:14+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ferawidianti Widianti, Kenlies Era Rosalina Marsudi