Peran Guru PAI Dalam Membangun Minat Literasi Pada Generasi Z Melalui Kegiatan Jumat Literasi di SMAN 1 Balong
This research aims to (1) determine the implementation of literacy Friday activities by PAI teachers at SMAN 1 Balong which are deliveret al in a variet al and collaborative manner; (2) knowing the response of generation Z to Friday literacy activities at SMAN 1 Balong which were very intensely carriet al out to build their interest in literacy; (3) find out the implications of Friday literacy activities held by PAI teachers at SMAN 1 Balong. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type of research. Data was collectet al through observation of literacy activities, in-depth interviews with PAI teachers, the literacy team and generation Z, as well as analysis of documents or portfolios relatet al to Literacy Friday activities. Observations were carriet al out to observe the dynamics of implementing the activities, while interviews were conductet al to gain an in-depth understanding of the views of PAI teachers, the literacy team and generation Z regarding this activity. The results of the research conductet al show that (1) the implementation of literacy Friday activities by PAI teachers is designet al by going through the planning stage (making a promissory note), the implementation stage (ongoing literacy Friday activities) and the evaluation stage (verbal and written assessment). This activity is consistently carriet al out once a month with various and variet al themes; (2) Generation Z's response to literacy Friday activities is that they realize the importance of literacy activities such as those implementet al at SMAN 1 Balong. However, some of them are not very consistent with these activities because they are monotonous, both in terms of theme and agenda; (3) The implications of literacy Friday activities increase generation Z's insight. Many works resultet al from these activities. For example: LIPA (My Literacy with Pet allets), Understanding Heroes' Day, and many others.
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