Implementasi Program Exmadha dan Relevansinya dengan Standar Kompetensi Lulusan dan Visi Misi di MA Darul Huda Ponorogo

  • Cahya Nuraini
  • Siti Rohmaturroyidah Rahmawati
Keywords: Exmadha, Relevance, Graduate Competency Standards, Vision and Mission


Madrasah programs are of course adjusted to graduate competency standards and the madrasah's vision and mission. To determine the success of a program in a madrasah, which is the embodiment of the madrasah's vision and mission, it can be seen from the output/graduates produced by the madrasah.  The Exmadha program at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo is a new program, this program has been running for around 2 years, so the madrasah does not yet have output/graduates from the Exmadha program, while whether the Exmadha program is successful or not in accordance with the madrasah's vision and mission can be seen from the graduates. This research aims to describe the background to the implementation of the Exmadha program, the implementation of the Exmadha program, and the relevance of Exmadha activities to graduate competency standards and vision and mission at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo. The method used is qualitative with a case study type of research. The results of the research can be concluded that the background for holding the Exmadha program at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo is to improve the quality of graduates, develop students' talents and interests, and prepare students for competition events, the implementation of the Exmadha program at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo is to develop talents and interests students are doing very well. Implementation of the Exmadha Program is carried out in three steps, namely planning, implementation and evaluation, there is relevance (compatibility) between the Exmadha program and SKL and the vision and mission at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo, especially in supporting the mental readiness and knowledge of students to be ready to enter society. The Exmadha program also has relevance to the madrasah's vision and mission, namely in the aspects of knowledge, charity, piety and good morals, where in the Exmadha program students are provided with knowledge and knowledge that is appropriate to their abilities, students are also provided with amaliyah worship. and morals.


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