Penerapan Metode Al-Mau’izah Al-Hasanah Dalam Pembelajaran Kitab Alala Untuk Menanamkan Adab Mencari Ilmu

  • Helda Mudaiyana Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
  • Zeni Murtafiati Mizani Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
Keywords: Al-Mau'izah Al-Hasanah Method, Learning the Book of Alala, Adab Seeking Knowledge


The use of inappropriate methods is often an obstacle to achieving learning goals, so it is necessary to choose the right method in learning. One of the learning objectives is to be able to instill the main manners in seeking knowledge from an early age. To achieve this goal, the ustaz is expected to be able to instill the manners of seeking knowledge by applying the al-mau'iz}ah al-h}asanah  method in the study of the book of Alala. The purpose of this study is to describe how the implementation, supporting and inhibiting factors for the use  of the al-mau'iz}ah al-h}asanah method, as well as the implications of the al-mau'iz}ah al-h}asanah  method in instilling the manners of seeking knowledge in the study  of the Book of Alala. The research method used is a qualitative approach, case studies. The data collection techniques used in this study include interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of this study show that the implementation of learning the Book  of Ala>la> with the al-mau'iz}ah al-h}asanah  method is carried out with good delivery, easy to understand, gentle pronunciation, not rude, interspersed with advice, and delivered gradually. The supporting factors for the implementation of the al-mau'iz}ah al-h}asanah  method are the experience of teaching and mastering the method by the ustaz, as well as the students' enthusiasm for learning. The factors that hinder its implementation are limited learning time and an unsupportive classroom atmosphere. Then with the implementation of the al-mau'izah al-hasanah  method, there are changes in manners that appear in students, including, respectful and civilized attitudes to teachers, sharing and practicing knowledge, preparing for knowledge councils, respecting the ceremony, and thirst for knowledge.


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