Manajemen Organisasi Kis (Komunitas Ilmiah Santri) Dalam Meningkatkan Life Skill Santri Pondok Pesantren Al-Islam Joresan Mlarak Ponorogo
Islamic boarding schools as educational institutions are not only institutions that produce generations of religious leaders but also produce young generations who are pious and professional in various fields as expected in the national education program. Demands for improving the quality of education must be immediately responded to seriously and thoroughly, because lagging behind in the education sector will cause major problems. Education with a life skills perspective is now a new breakthrough in Islamic boarding schools as the application of Islamic boarding school life skills-based education is expected to produce quality and competitive student output by means of a student organization based on increasing life skills developed at the Al-Islam Joresan Islamic boarding school through the Santri Scientific Community (KIS). This research aims to determine: (1) Implementation of KIS organizational management in improving the life skills of santri (2) Supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of KIS organizational activities in improving the life skills of santri (3) The impact of implementing KIS organizational activities on the life skills of santri in Pondok Al-Islam Joresan Islamic Boarding School. This research is a qualitative research. Data collection in this research used interview, observation and documentation methods. Meanwhile, data analysis uses data condensation, presenting data, conclusions. Next, the data validity test was carried out using technical triangulation, which was done by checking the data against the same source with different techniques. Based on data analysis, it was found that (1) The implementation of KIS organizational management in improving the life skills of Al-Islam Islamic Boarding School students has been carried out well. This is demonstrated by the existence of planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring to achieve organizational goals (2) The existence of supporting factors and inhibiting factors in the implementation of KIS organizational management (3) The impact of KIS organizational activities on the life skills of students at the Al-Islam Islamic Boarding School a) Personal skills; increased awareness of being a member of society, a citizen, as a servant of Allah SWT, knowing oneself, being useful to others, being able to protect and care more about the environment. b) Social skills; better able to communicate and interact with society, adapt and behave positively, grow a sense of responsibility, care, empathy for others, train the spirit of mutual help, cooperation c) Academic skills; further increase psychological insight into human physical and spiritual health, d) Vocational skills; increased knowledge of graphic design, increased creativity, ability to write, draw, skills, knowledge of journalism, more experience in the world of work, entrepreneurship.
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