Upaya Guru PAI dalam Meningkatkan Self Control Siswa Melalui Kegiatan Keagamaan di MA Ma’arif Al-Ishlah Bungkal Kabupaten Ponorogo

  • Ana Septiani Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
  • Nur Kolis Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
Keywords: Learning outcomes; Thematic Learning; TGT Type Cooperative Learning Model


In this increasingly modern era, adolescents face multiple crises, namely a crisis of identity, ideology, and belief. To anticipate these youth problems, various efforts have been made, both in the family and at school, as happened at MA Ma'arif al-Ishlah Bungkal, PAI teachers made efforts to increase students' self-control through religious activities. Referring to these problems, the researcher is interested in conducting research at MA Ma'arif Al-Ishlah Bungkal, Ponorogo Regency. This study aims to (1) explain the implementation of religious activities that are attempted by PAI teachers in increasing student self-control in Ma'arif Al-Ishlah Bungkal Ponorogo Regency, (2) find out the constraints and obstacles as well as solutions for PAI teachers in increasing student self-control through religious activities at MA Ma'arif Al- Ishlah Bungkal Ponorogo Regency, (3) knowing the implications of implementing religious activities that teachers seek to increase student self-control in Ma'arif Al-Ishlah Bungkal Ponorogo Regency. The results of this study: (1) The efforts of PAI teachers in increasing students' self-control through religious activities at MA Ma'arif Al-Ishlah Bungkal Ponorogo Regency, namely by providing direction, mentoring, supervising, instilling positive habits, and making religious activities routine and programmed. While religious activities are carried out with activity management according to the POACE management function (Planning, organizing, actuating, controlling, evaluating). (2) Obstacles of PAI teachers in increasing student self-control through religious activities at MA Ma'arif Al-Ishlah Bungkal Ponorogo Regency, namely the lack of student discipline, lack of student motivation, lack of attention and affection from both parents and social media. While the solutions given are sanctions, absenteeism for each activity, and evaluation of all teachers. (3) The implication of the efforts of PAI teachers in increasing students' self-control through religious activities at MA Ma'arif Al-Ishlah Bungkal Ponorogo Regency is that with programmed religious activities students are more focused and able to control themselves.


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