Pemikiran Pendidikan Akhlak Imam Al -Ghazali dalam Kitab Ayyuhal Walad dan Relevansinya dengan Materi Pendidikan Akhlak pada Mata Pelajaran PAI dan Budi Pekerti Kelas VII Sekolah Menengah Pertama
Moral education is one of the important efforts that can be done to realize the goals of national and Islamic education. Because in moral education, a student is formed to become a person with noble character or noble character. This can also be started by providing Islamic religious education materials. Because to be able to do good deeds, a person must know his knowledge first. Imam al-Ghazali is one of the leaders of Islamic education who plays a role in fostering students. Through the book Ayyuhal Walad, al-Ghazali gave valuable advice to students so that they practice knowledge and beautify their inner character with mujahadah an-nafs. This study aims to: (1) find out the content of moral education material in Imam al- Ghazali's Ayyuhal Walad book, (2) find out moral education material in PAI and Budi Pekerti subjects for class VII SMP, and (3) find out the relevance of moral education thinking Imam al-Ghazali in the book Ayyuhal Walad and its relevance to moral education material in PAI and Budi Pekerti subjects for class VII SMP. This study uses library research methods and content analysis approaches, namely research conducted by analyzing the data content in a document, book, and others which are then translated into certain patterns. Meanwhile, the data used came from 2 sources, namely primary and secondary data sources. From the results of the study, it shows that there is a relevance between Imam al-Ghazali's thoughts on moral education in the book of Ayyuhal Walad with moral education material in the PAI and Budi Pekerti subject for class VII SMP, including: (1) respecting parents, teachers, and others, (2) istiqamah, (3) trustworthy, (4) sincere and honest, and (5) doing good to humans and empathy. All forms of morals can be realized through various scientific teachings, training, and habituation which are carried out with sincerity and hope for the
pleasure of Allah.
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