Konsep Syukur dalam Buku Lā Taḥzan Karya ‘Aiḍh Al-Qarni dan Relevansinya dengan Materi ‘Aqidah Akhlaq Madrasah Aliyah Kelas X
Lā Taḥzan's book is a self-development and religious-based motivational book by 'Aiḍh Al-Qarni. This study focuses on the concept of gratitude in Lā Taḥzan book. This is motivated by the importance of the study of gratitude in material of 'Aqidah Akhlaq, which is currently experiencing a decline so that it requires a solution. Gratitude must be instilled to children from an early age with the aim that children are able to know how big the influence of gratitude is, it's not just understanding the material obtained but being able to implement it in everyday life. Because of this, it is necessary to study about the concept of gratitude by 'Aiḍh Al-Qarni in Lā Taḥzan book and its relevance with'Aqidah Akhlaqmaterial of Madrasah Aliyah grade X.
This study aims to explain the concept of gratitude inLā Taḥzan book by 'Aiḍh AlQarni, and describes the relevance of the concept of gratitudein Lā Taḥzan book by 'Aiḍh Al-Qarni with the material of gratitudein'Aqidah Akhlaq lesson in Madrasah Aliyah grade X. The results of this study indicate that the concept of gratitude according to 'Aiḍh Al-Qarni inLā Taḥzan book is willingness or self-pleasure for everything that Allah has given are realized in the form of words and deeds. The concept of gratitude according to 'Aiḍh Al-Qarni in Lā Taḥzan book is relevant to the material of 'Aqidah Akhlaq in Madrasah Aliyah grade X, where the discussion and the explanation are appropriate with the content of La Tahzan book by 'Aiḍh Al-Qarni, but 'Aiḍh Al-Qarni explains itmore deeply using motivational sentences, self development with a religious, and persuade to know, understand and implement the recommendations contained in the book. Thus, without realizing it will bring out a positive character in oneself, accompanied by inspirational stories of the prophets, Apostles, Companions and scholars who passed their lives with gratitude, as well as arguments from the Qur'an and hadith to strengthen the discussion.
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