Pembangunan Sarana Pendidikan Sebagai Media Perkembangan Sosial Santri di Pondok Pesantren Al Barokah Mangunsuman Siman Ponorogo

  • Robi Agisna Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
  • Lia Amalia Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
Keywords: Education Facilities; Social Development; Santri


Social development is a learning process to adapt to group norms, morals, and traditions and to merge into a single unit and communicate and cooperate with each other. Islamic boarding school is actually a small picture of a community group. In Islamic boarding schools there are several activities that train oneself in social life with the community, so that the process of one's social development will run according to its role in the environment. The problems that will be discussed in this study are how the social development of students at the Al Barokah Mangunsuman
Siman Ponorogo Islamic Boarding School, and how the development of educational facilities can be a medium for the social development of students. The results of this study indicate that the social development of the students of the Al Barokah Islamic Boarding School can be seen from the social process: First, the behavior is socially acceptable, the social behavior of the students at the Al Barokah Islamic Boarding School is generally good but still needs to learn more. Second, playing a role in their social environment, Al Barokah students can adapt to the environment, respecting
local customs. Third, having a positive attitude towards their social groups, Al Barokah students have an attitude of concern for friends and prioritize new students over themselves. The social development of students is optimized by several activities at the boarding school, through the construction of educational facilities, strong relationships can be created between students, residents of the cottage congregation, and also the community due to the responsibility factor and mutual need in daily collaboration in educational facilities development projects. Indirectly, it has an impact on the wider insight of students about social society.


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