Pendidikan Karakter Menurut Azyumardi Azra dan Buya Hamka
Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that participants actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and abilities needed by themselves, society, nation and state. Educational success is not just students getting good grades academically, but people will see how alumni from a school can respond to life. Today, the problem that is being faced by educational institutions is the education system that is too oriented to cognitive development and pays less attention to affective and empathy development. The development of positive attitudes or characters is only limited to introduction and has not reached the realization stage so that the application of the functions of educational institutions can be said to be less than optimal. Departing from the problem above, the researcher is interested in making it a final project with the formulation of the problem: 1) Azyumardi Azra's thoughts on character education 2) Hamka's thoughts on character education 3) Analysis of similarities and differences between
Azyumardi Azra and Hamka's thoughts on character education. The type of research carried out by the researcher is library research where the main source or data in the research process is based on relevant library materials. Sources of data for this research are books, magazines, manuscripts, stories of love: newspapers, internet, documentation and other sources related to Azyumardi Azra and Hamka's thoughts on character education. The results of this study are as follows: Azra explained that character education is the process of a nation in preparing its young generation to
live life as caliphs and to achieve life goals effectively and efficiently based on Islamic teachings. The purpose of this education can be achieved by applying character values in social life such as tolerance, democracy, and friendship as a reference in behaving and interacting with others involving family, school, community, and government. According to Hamka, character education is moral education that can influence the formation of students' character so that they have noble character with the aim of knowing and seeking God's pleasure, building noble character so that
noble character can be created, and preparing students to develop a decent and useful life. for the social environment. In addition, these two figures have many similarities in their views on character education in Indonesia, both in terms of definition, goals, values, urgency, and efforts to build character itself. Although in some aspects there are differences in the description, they both agree that character education is needed by students from an early age so that they become wise human beings in thinking and acting.
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