Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Inklusi dalam Sirah Nabi Muhammad SAW (Studi Analisis Kitab Nurul Yaqin Karya Muhammad Al-Khudhari Bek)
Indonesia is a multicultural country because it has a lot of diversity. These differences often cause problems between communities because of a lack of respect. One way to instill an attitude of respect is through inclusive-based education. Inclusion-based education means trying to mature humans with an open, dynamic, and rational learning system to achieve social welfare. Inclusion-based education can foster an attitude of respect for Muslims as the Prophet Muhammad SAW taught in his sirah contained in the book Nurul Yaqin by AsyShaykh Muhammad Al-Khudhari Bek. The problems that will be discussed in this research are the si>rah of the Prophet Muhammad in the book of Nurul Yaqin, the concept of inclusivebased Islamic education based on the sirah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the book of Nurul Yaqin, and the implementation of inclusive-based Islamic education values based on the sirah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the reality of life. The results of this research indicate that the sirah of the Prophet Muhammad consists of when in Mecca and in Medina. The values of inclusive-based Islamic education based on the Prophet Muhammad SAW are tolerance between religious communities, respect for individual rights, uphold social equality, and openness. While its implementation in the reality of life is tolerance for religious diversity, addressing other people regardless of background, treating everyone the same, and establishing good communication with those who are different.
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