Analisis Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Novel “Janji” Karya Tere Liye dan Relevansinya dengan Pendidikan Agama Islam
Character formation is one of the goals of education. This is enshrined in the 2003 National Education System Law. This is also in line with Islamic Religious Education which has the goal of forming human beings into insan kamil. However, in practice there are still many educations that focus on cognitive aspects only. The focus which also leads to this final score is nothing but printing humans like robots. Finally, the individual still has high egoism to the point where brawls, bullying, rape, pregnancy out of wedlock are rampant, and so on. From this character problem, many figures took part in making donations. No exception through fiction in the form of novels. In practice, the values contained in the novel can be used as a means of education because it contains character values and has relevance to Islamic religious education. The aims of this research are 1) to describe the character values in Tere Liye's novel Promise, 2) to describe the relevance of character education values in Tere Liye's novel Promise to Islamic religious education. The method used in this research is a type of library research which analyzes a problem systematically and accurately regarding certain facts and objects. Data collection is done by searching the literature, localizing, and analyzing documents. In this study it was found: 1) The values of character education in the novel Promise by Tere Liye include religious values, honesty, tolerance, hard work, discipline, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, friendly/communicative, peace-loving, fond of reading , care for the environment, care for social, and responsibility. 2) The relevance of character education values in Tere Liye's Promise novel with Islamic religious education includes three values. The value of faith is relevant to religious values. Sharia values (worship) are relevant to the values of hard work, creativity, discipline, and love of reading. Sharia values (muamalah) are relevant to democratic values, curiosity, communicative/friendly, and love of peace. Moral values are relevant to the values of honesty, tolerance, independence, social care, environmental care, and responsibility.
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