Implementasi Model Discovery Learning dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa pada Pembelajaran Fiqih di MTs PGRI Selur Ngrayun Ponorogo
Critical thinking is still a crucial phenomenon in the life of the 4.0 era. Being named one of the 21st century skills makes clear the urgency of mastering this thinking skill for everyone. In the field of education, learning is still needed that if it is able ti stimulate students’ critical thinking processes, as well as learning Fiqh in class VIII MT’s PGRI Selur.This study aims to explain the improvement of students' critical thinking skills through the implementation of the discovery learning model in Fiqh learning in class VIII MTs PGRI Selur for the Academic Year 2021/2022. This study uses a classroom action research approach carried out individually. The results of the research data analysis showed that the implementation of the discovery learning model in Fiqh learning with the material "Makanan dan Minumanku Halal dan Berkah" could improve critical thinking skills of class VIII MTs PGRI Selur Ngrayun Academic Year Implementasi Model Discovery Learning 2021/2022, as evidenced by the following improvements: (a ) in the process aspect, it can be seen in the increase in the average score of the observation of students' critical thinking activities during the learning process which previously got a completeness percentage of 54.54% with an average of 73.86 (enough) increased to 77.27% with an average of 81 .25 (good), (b) in the aspect of the results proven by improvement; (1) the average value of students' critical thinking skills in the pre-cycle of 60.90 increased in the first cycle to 67.27, and increased again in the second cycle to 77.81, (2) the percentage of students' critical thinking skills completeness in the pre-cycle namely 31.81%, increased in the first cycle to 45.45%, then increased in the second cycle to 86.36%.
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